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This simple guide is designed to help you train your crazy dog to become the most behaved dog on the block.


,Do you want to make sure that you have the most well-behaved dog on the block? If so,you have come to the right place. This guide will help you to train your pooch so that they become the perfect canine citizen.,

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)


Establish a Routine


Patience,consistency and timing are so important with any training method. It is recommended that you train your pet each day for at least 20 minutes. Ideally,you should praise them when you feel they have done a good job. At the end of the day,consistency goes way beyond training though. It’s important to be consistent with their exercise times,their playtimes,and their bathroom breaks. You need to be predictable with their sleeping times,their feeding times,and their toilet breaks. Dogs will be more relaxed if they are able to understand their daily routine. Having a hard time with all of the above? Unable to solve all the problems you are having? A professional dog walker can help you by giving you the type of individualized attention you need to figure out what’s wrong.


Training is Supposed to be Fun


If you want your dog to be able to understand what you are teaching him,then he should be able to have fun while you train him. That being said,if your dog is not enjoying their training sessions then they won’t be as committed,and neither will you. If your dog takes a little extra effort to behave as you expect,reward them very generously.


Stay Calm


Some dogs will follow you everywhere you go and they will want to accompany you everywhere you go. They will probably want you to praise and pay them attention. Training time may even feel like playtime to them. You should allow your dog to do what you want them to do,and if you remain calm,they will start to pay attention to you. It is also important that you keep your body language and your voice calm so that they can learn to tell the difference between work and play. If as a dog owner you are able to remain calm,not get upset,and assert yourself as the boss at that moment,then they will start to think about what you are planning to do for them.


Structured Walks


It is important that you teach your dog to follow your commands while they are walking. If your dog does not have a regular schedule of walks,he will not learn to behave. Sure,letting your dog run around and have fun is super important but at the same time,they have to learn how to walk on a loose leash,and they also have to learn how to be calm when outside. Lengthening your dog’s lead and letting them run to other dogs will not help them to become more disciplined or to become self-sufficient. Lengthening your lead when you let your canine friend run free is a good thing to do,and it is also important to practice keeping a long line when you are teaching your canine friend to run in the direction of other dogs. That being said,normal decompression walks are still so important to your dog’s overall well-being. If you live in Sacramento,CA,check out dog walking programs that include activities such as the Fit and Fun Trail Walk that All Stage Canine Development offers.

,If you can follow this guide,you’ll find that you have the most well-behaved dog on the block in no time at all! For information on how to groom your dog,please go to our website www.allstagecaninedevelopment.com.
