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Florida Tax Relief – Gov. Ron DeSantis Announces $1.1 Billion Tax Relief Package

Earlier this month,Florida Governor Ron DeSantis unveiled a $1.1 billion tax relief package. The package will help Florida families fight inflation and provide tax breaks for some of the most important items in our lives.




The tax relief package includes sales tax holidays that will help Floridians save on gas,clothing,disaster supplies,and more. It will also help businesses. Some of the sales tax holidays will continue through 2023.




One of the most popular Florida sales tax holidays is the Back to School Sales Tax Holiday. This year,the two-week break will save an estimated $210 million for Florida families. The two-week break will return in the fall and spring.




Another popular Florida sales tax holiday is the Tools Sales Tax Holiday. This year,the first $5 of bait,fishing equipment,and tackle box will be tax free. This sale tax holiday will also be available during Freedom Week.




The Florida Retail Federation supports this package and announced its support on Twitter. It is expected to generate an additional $190 million in tax savings over two years.




Governor Ron DeSantis has also announced a proposal to extend tax breaks for some items. This would help Floridians with children’s clothing,school supplies,and sports gear. He also wants to extend a sales tax break for pet food. These breaks would be extended until June 30,2023.




The Florida Department of Revenue has a list of qualifying items. It includes Energy Star appliances. These appliances use less energy and are better for the environment.










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